GK Quiz 37: Chemistry Quiz for SSC and other exams

General Awareness Quiz – Chemistry

General Awareness Quiz Set 37 for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL and Railways exams. Chemistry Quiz for SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, Railways etc.

Topic: General Science – Chemistry

  1. The non metal found in liquid state is?
    A) Bromine

    B) Fluorine
    C) Nitrogen
    D) Chlorine
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      Option A
    Explanation: Bromine belongs to halogen group and only non-metal element that is in a liuid state. At room temperature it is a reddish brown fuming with a unpleasant chlorine like smell.
  2. Ionization energy of nitrogen is greater than that of oxygen because nitrogen has
    A) Higher nuclear charge

    B) smaller atomic radius
    C) high bond dissociation energy
    D) stable half filled 2p sub level
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      Option D.
    Explanation: Ionization energy is a measure of the ease in which atoms lose electrons and become positiveions. The 2S2²2p³ configuration in Nitrogen is more stable that 2s²2p⁴due to half filled p-sublevel. Hence nitrogen, N atom has greater ionization energy than oxygen, O atom.
  3. The compound which possess Ionic, Covalent and Coordinate bonds
    A) H2O

    B) NH4CL
    C) SO2
    D) SO3
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    Option B.
    Explanation:Ammonium chloride (NH 4Cl) is generally considered as an ionic compound but this compound has three different types of bond. There is ionic bond betweenNH4 +ion and Cl-ion. There are N-H covalent bonds. The formation of NH4 + from NH3 is sometimes, described as the formation of a coordinate bond between NH3 and H+ , however once the bond is formed there is no difference between the four N-H bonds, NH4+ has a tetrahedral structure.
  4. Heating of an ore below its melting point in the absence of air is known as
    A) Refining

    B) Calcination
    C) Smelting
    D) Roasting
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    Option B.
    Explanation: Calcination involves simple decomposition of ore on heating below its melting point usually in absence of air to produce new compounds having higher percentage of metal as well as removing the moisture, organic matter and volatile impurities. Calcination makes the ore porous
  5. Which of the following is the most electronegative element?
    A) Fluorine

    B) Oxygen
    C) Chlorine
    D) Sodium
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    Option A.
    Explanation: Electronegativity of the elements using the PaulingScale is as follows: Fluorine: 3.98. Oxygen: 3.44,Chlorine: 3.16, and Sodium: 0.93. Electronegativityincreases down the group and decreases down theperiod.
  6. SPONTANEOUS change is one in which there is :
    A) An increase in Internal Energy

    B) A lowering of Free Energy
    C) Increase in Free Energy
    D) A lowering of Entropy
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    Option B.
    Explanation: Entropy and enthalpy together make a new quantity, the Free Energy which, under conditions of constant of spontaneous change. All Spontaneous processes have a negative change in free energy.
  7. Gypsum is used for improvement of:
    A) Acidic Soils

    B) Alkaline Soils
    C) Saline Soils
    D) Podsols
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    Option C.
    Explanation: Gypsum is calcium sulfate which is essential to the sustainability of most irrigated soils. Irrigated land eventually leads to sodicity and salinity unless extreme care is taken. It improvesSodic (saline) soils by removing sodium from the soil and replacing it with Calcium.
  8. Which of the following elements are not RADIOACTIVE?
    A) Zirconium

    B) Plutonium
    C) Radium
    D) Uranium
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    Option A.
    Explanation:Zirconium is a lustrous, grey-white, strong transitionmetal that resembles titanium. Zirconium is mainlyused as a refractory and opacifier, although it is usedin small amounts as an alloying agent for its strongresistance to corrosion.
  9. Sulphur dioxide bleaches coloring metal by
    A) Dehydration

    B) Reduction
    C) Decomposition
    D) Oxidation
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    Option B.
    Explanation: Reduction. Sulphur dioxide gas exhibits bleaching properties in presence of moisture. It dissolves in water liberating nascent hydrogen. Nascent hydrogen removes oxygen atoms from the coloring matter (reduces coloring matter) and it loses its color.
  10. The heaviest natural element occurring is?
    A) Mercury

    B) Polonium
    C) Uranium
    D) Thorium
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    Option C.
    Explanation: The heaviest element in terms of heaviest per a given number of atoms is the element with the highest atomic weight. This is the element with the largest number of protons, which is presently element 118, Ununoctium. Ununoctium is the heaviest element, but it is man-made. The heaviest naturally-occurring element is uranium (atomic number 92, atomic weight(238.0289).

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